Here are some postcards from Allegheny County, in southwest Pennsylvania. These are all in the public domain so you may use them as you wish. It is one of the state’s most populous counties, second only to Philadelphia County. The county seat is Pittsburgh.

Carnegie Furnaces, Braddock, PA

Carnegie Furnaces, Braddock, PA Postcard

B F Jones Sr, Sewickley Heights, PA

Birdseye View from Beckerts Hill, Millvale, PA

Busy Shopping Center, Homestead, Florida

Carnegie blast furnaces along the Monongahela River, Homestead, Pennsylvania, 1908-1909

Carnegie Steel Works, Homestead, PA

Entrance to the Homestead Steel Works, Homestead, PA

First Baptist Church, Homestead, PA

First U P Church, McDonald, PA

High School Building, Carnegie, PA

High School, Tarentum, PA

McCagues Residence, Academy Avenue, Sewickley, PA

Mifflin, PA

Moonlight on the Lake, Edgewood Park, PA

Municipal Building, Sewickley, PA

Ohio River and Bridge at Sewickley, PA

Penn Ave, looking West, Turtle Creek, PA

Pittsburgh and Homestead High Level Bridge over Monongahela River, Looking into Homestead, PA

Public School No 2, Pitcairn, PA

St Coleman’s Church, Turtle Creek, PA

St Marys R C Church, McKees Rocks, PA

The Chapel St Francis Convent, Mount Alvernia, Millvale, PA

Western Pennsylvania Institution, Edgewood Park, PA

Alleghaney Country Club, Sewickley, PA

At the Willows, Oakmont, PA
Fascinating collection Karen! Where did you go to find these?