Category : My Dry Shade Garden

9 posts

Stylophorum diphyllum
What’s in bloom in late April? Not all that much in my garden. I’ve got two azaleas in bloom, a bunch of bulbs, and some pansies I just purchased from an unnamed big box store. Oops, there goes my resolution to buy from a local garden center. Of course, my garden is mostly about texture …
Sweet Potato Vine with Coleus
Sorry for the alliteration. Couldn’t help it. Like many other gardeners, I’ve discovered the amazing energy created when you pair a purple/burgundy foliage plant with one that sports that bright greenish yellow color we either love or hate: chartreuse. Never one to go half measures, I decided to apply this color scheme to my ENTIRE …
Mushroom in Grass
This is the time of year when I really begin dreaming about warm weather and spring and sunshine and flowers and getting back into the garden. Plant catalogs are rolling in to tempt me with new cultivars, seed packets are showing up in stores, and gardening is just around the corner. One of my wish …
American Eastern Yellow Fly Agaric / Amanita muscaria var. guessowii
The American Eastern Yellow Fly Agaric mushrooms (Amanita muscaria var. guessowii) appear during periods of high humidity in our conifer forests, often growing under white pine or eastern hemlock trees. It’s characterized by white gills and stem, a white spore print, warts on the cap which easily wash or rub off, a membranous partial veil …
Winter Container
Take a tour through these beautiful winter containers below:
I’ve decided to join the Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, sponsored by May Dreams Gardens, and brought to my attention by following the wonderful Hayefield blog. Although I wouldn’t exactly call myself a garden blogger, I do blog and I do garden. Occasionally, I post stuff about my garden. My garden is a dry shade, mostly …
Lonicera nitida 'Twiggy', leaves
Lonicera ‘Twiggy’ makes a compact 2′ tall x 2′ wide shrub with twiggy growth, lined with tiny yellow leaves that hold their bright yellow color into the winter. Twiggy is a new selection of the well-known Lonicera nitida ‘Baggesen’s Gold’ from the UK garden of Ashwood’s John Massey. Average size is 2-3’ high and wide; …
One of my favorite color combinations–chartreuse and burgundy–make beautiful companions in this section of my garden. Sambucus nigra ‘Eva’ Black Lace is a dark foil for Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana Lutea’, two of my favorite plants.
west side yard, facing south, stepping stones with mulch 4
My husband and I have spent a good part of this summer working on our side yard with the goal of stopping storm water runoff from inundating the neighbor’s yard and perhaps basement. I should say “slow down” the water rather than “stop” the water because with the heavy rain showers we’ve had in recent …