There are so many Fays in New York, one could write an entire book about them. Here I’m gathering information about Fays who lived in the same areas as my line of Fays. As of yet, I do not know how these other Fays fit into my line, if at all. I share them here with you in hope that they may help you with your research.
Madison County
On page 60 in Immigrants in Madison County, New York, 1815-1860 (compiled by Isabel Bracy, published 1990 by Heart of the Lakes Pub. in Interlaken, N.Y.), there are 6 Fays listed by name, residence, date of immigration, country of origin, and occupation.
FAY, Bridget—Sullivan 1854, Ireland, Boarder
FAY, Christopher—Cazenovia 1849, Ireland, Farmer
FAY, John—Cazenovia 1838, Ireland, Shoemaker
FAY, John—Lenox 1855, Ireland, Laborer
FAY, Pat—Cazenovia 1851, Ireland, Farmer
Mary—Cazenovia 1851, Ireland, Wife
Unidentified Fay
Matched Horses for Sale!
The subscriber offers for sale, a span of Matched Horses, of dark brown color. For further particulars apply to the subscriber, at his residence, 4 miles from Cazenovia, on the road leading to Feuper Corners. DF 10-8 A FAY. Feuder, March 24, 1860.
Marilla Fay
Fay — In Earlville, on the 12th inst, after a protracted illness, Mrs. Marilla Fay, wife of James R. Fay, deceased, aged 63 years.
Kings County
Andrew Fay
Only A Pail of Water
New York County
Andrew Fay Found Dead in Newark, New Jersey – This was in the New York Times so I just included it on this page.
Andrew Fay, forty-five years old, a brush-maker, who was in the employ of the Mulford Brush Company of New York City, was found dead in a shed in the rear of 387 Market Street, Newark, yesterday morning. He was found by Mrs. Johnson, who conducts a boarding house at that place, and with whom he boarded. He had complained of pains in his sides.
Onondaga County
Patrick Fay
I don’t believe this is my Patrick Fay as mine would have been only 10 years old in 1858.

Syracuse Daily Courier And Union, page 3, Friday March 12, 1858 – Patrick Fay Finds Man Badly Frozen
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