Daughter of Patrick Fay and Mary Murray and half sister to Frank L. Fay of my husband’s direct line.
June 10, 1880 in Cleveland, Ohio.
Lived with her parents at 2049 West 48th Street.
She married Charles Lomas, a cement finisher, on July 18, 1925. It was the first marriage for both; he was 40, she was 37. Charles was the son of Ralph Lomas and Helen Taylor.
Life Events

1923-06-17 p49, News of Visitors Here and Clevelanders on Journeys, Cleveland Plain Dealer
07 Oct 1955 in Cleveland.
Nina Gertrude Fay. Born 10 Jun 1880 in Cleveland, Ohio. Died October 7, 1955.
From the Cleveland Necrology File:
Id#: 0495539
Name: Fay, Gertrude
Date: Oct 7 1955
Source: Cleveland Press
Notes: Fay, Gertrude, late residence, 2049 W. 48 St., dear sister of Mrs. Loretta Toothman, aunt of Agnes Maxwell, Gertrude Myers, and Mark Deering of California, great-aunt of Gail and George Maxwell and Carol Norby. Friends received at the Louis A. Bodnar Funeral Chapel, 3929 Lorain Ave., where services will be held Saturday, Oct. 8, at 10:30 a.m.
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