0201 James Page Fay

James Page Fay

James Page Fay is not in my direct line; he is the brother of Frank Wells Fay and the son of Frank L. Fay of my husband’s Fay line. He married in his later years but did not have children.


He was born in Greenville on November 20, 1905.


He married Oma Lovett on April 15, 1966.

Oma Lovett is Bride of Frank Fay, The Oil City Derrick (Oil City PA) Wed Apr 27, 1966, p9

Oma Lovett is Bride of Frank Fay, The Oil City Derrick (Oil City PA) Wed Apr 27, 1966, p9

Here’s a transcript of the article above:

Oma Lovett is Bride of James Fay
Rimersburg—Oma E. Lovett of Rimersburg and James Page Fay of Greenville were married at 4:30 p.m. Friday, April 15, in the Fremont Avenue Presbyterian Church at Bellevue.
The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. James M. Barnelt, pastor of the church, before an altar adorned with ferns and candelabra.
The bride chose a three-piece celery spring wool suit trimmed with narrow mink collar. She wore beige accessories and a white orchid corsage.
John A. Lovett of Canoga Park, Calif., gave his mother in marriage.
Mrs. Jean Anderson, daughter of the bride, was her only attendant. She wore a two-piece chartreuse ensemble, black accessories and a corsage of yellow delphiniums.
Walter E. Beer Jr. of Brooklyn Heights, N.Y., a brother-in-law of the bridegroom, was the best man.
Following the ceremony, a dinner was held at the Sewickley Motor Inn.
The couple will be at home after May 8 at 391 South Main St., following a Caribbean Cruise.
Mrs. Fay was formerly employed at the Rena M. Carlson Library of Clarion State College in Clarion. Mr. Fay is retired.

Fays Take Cruise To Caribbean

Fays Take Cruise To Caribbean


May 3, 1979

James Page Fay Obit

James Page Fay Obit