By Varla Jane Owens Wright

Notes from Allhallows Breadstreet Parish Register, London, FHL #94511-

These entries give a brief picture of the nature of the household of London silk merchant, William Priestley, who married as her second husband, Ann Hurt, daughter of Sheriff / Mayor / Alderman Ralfe Hurt of Bristol. At the writing of Roger’s will in 1616, Ann had deceased and left three children.

Bur: 28 Feb 1593/94 pauls, John Turner, Servant to Mr. William Priestley of this pish.

Bur: 13 Nov 1587 _ “a Crysome childe of Mr. William Preistleys of this pishe, in ye churche.

Bur: 15 Nov 1598 in the churche, Ann, wyffe of Mr. William Preistley.

Bur: 3 Nov 1615 in the churche, Anthony Preistly, servant wt. Mr. William Priestley of this pishe.

Marr: 10 Nov 1616 _ George Stone of Hornesey and Marye Bowden, s’vant wt. Mr. William Preistley of this pishe.

Bur: 17 Jan 1617/18 Betteris Hobs, a woman servant of Mr. Prestlays of this parrish, and her grave is at the great dore next Watling Street neare the poste at the porch coming in to the churche.

Bur: 25 May 1619: Mrs. Elizabeth Priestley, wife of Mr. Wm Priestley in the Church [ and her grave is in the broade iell aganst the 4 pewe nest abofe the great stone;

Bur: 25 Dec 1619, Mr. William Preistly’s maid of this pish, silkeman _ her name, Ellen Barker [bur. at the end of the firste wemenes pewes in the brod ielle

Bur: 30 May 1620, Mr. William Priestly, silkeman of this par.,bur. in the brod iell at the ouper end at the chancell dower at the end of the 2 small pewese wher the chelldren sete.

Ann Hurt and William Priestly have living descendants today, living in both Great Britain and the USA.

Many thanks to Varla Jane Owens Wright for submission of this information.

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