I found this online here: http://www.geni.com/people/William-Hurt-the-Elder/6000000001555690128. I don’t know who wrote this. William Hurt was the son of John Hurt (1655-1722). He is not in my direct line.
William3 Hurt, the elder. (John2, William Senior1). He was the oldest son John2 Hurt (d. 1723) (501) and a grandson of William Hurt, Senior. He was born in about 1680 and died in Caroline County, Virginia in 1749. His was Ann Hurt, (16-17-585-588-589-592). Executors named in his will dated April 11th, 1748 were: Ann Hurt, William Hurt, and Joel Hurt. Witnesses to his will were: Joel Hurt, Elisha Hurt, and Moses Hurt (588-589). His will and the record of it, like almost all Caroline County records, except the order books, were destroyed during the CiviI War. That is the reason we are unable to identity all of his chiIdren. I believe that he had ten or more children. I am unable to identify any of his daughters but feel sure of five sons and possibly a sixth. That may be all of his sons.
John Hurt. He was born in King William County, Virginia, in the first decade of the 1700s and died in Amelia County, Virginia, before May 23rd, 1754. The old custom in the early Hurt family of naming the first born son for the papa’s father would suggest that John was the oldest son. (232-235-246-247-249-250-251-251-254-255-256-257-261-266).
(2) Elisha Hurt. He died before 1768 and left no children (67-69). (3) Joel Hurt I. Wife was Hannah Hurt (175). He undoubtedly was the same Joel Hurt who moved to that part of Edgecombe County, North Carolina that became Halifax County in 1758, before June 27, 1758 (177) and the father of (1) William Hurt (1756-1812), (2) Elisha Hurt (d. 1829), (3) Mary Hurt Gamble; (4) the wife of William Burt of Halifax County, North Carolina, who probably was Elizabeth Burt (211) and (5) very likely of a Joel Hurt, Junior (192). Joel Hurt I (or Senior) died after 1798 in Hancock County, Georgia.
(4)William Hurt, Junior (d.1796) (639). (6) Moses Hurt, Senior, of Amelia County, Virginia (d. 1783) (408). (7) James Hurt. I am speculating on this one.< James Hurt and wife, Hannah Hurt, on 7-18-1722, conveyed to his brother, William Hurt, 74 1/2 acres of land, being 1/4 of the 293 acres patented by his grandfather, William Hurt senior, onOctober 24th, 1701 and left to James Hurt by his grandfather's will. To all----Whereas----Now know you that of the said Francis «i»:«/i» Nicholson esq Govornd & do with if and advice and consent of the Council of state accordingly give and grant unto William Hurt Senr two hundred ninety eight acres of land lying in Pamunkey being bounded as followseth viz: Beginning at a Corner Hiccory called Peter Whites corner hiccory hard by Richard Yarbroughs plantation and running thence southwest by south four hund: forty pole to a corner red oake thence northwest sixty nine pole to a Corner Hiccory thence nortyh north east three hundred seventy six pole to a Corner hiccory thence east one hundred and four pole thence East by south forty one pole through a meadow all along by John Hurts and Richard Yarbroughs plantation thence east half a point north sixteen pole thence southwest twenty one pole to the beginning. Whence (?) the said land being due unto the said William Hurt by and for the transportation of six persons into this colony whose names are to be in the records mentioned under this patent. To have & to hold & to be held yielding & paying & provided & Given under my hand and ye seale At a court held for Caroline County on Friday the 12th day of May 1749". "The last will & Testament of William Hurt, dec'd was presented in Court by Ann Hurt, William Hurt and Joel Hurt the Exrs therein named who made oath thereto according to law and being proved by the Oaths of Joel Hurt, Elisha Hurt & Moses Hurt,witnesses thereto, is ordered to be recorded And on of ye Sd Exrs and they performing what is usual in such cases certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form they given sufficent security". "It is ordered that John Wiley, Jno. Sutton, Samuel Norment &Jno. Dudley or any three of them being first sworn before a Justice of the Peace appraise ye Estate of Wm Hurt Dec'd in money." The last will & Testament of William Hurt, dec'd was presented in Court by Ann Hurt, William Hurt and Joel Hurt the Exrs therein named who made oath thereto according to law and being proved by the Oaths of Joel Hurt, Elisha Hurt & Moses Hurt,witnesses thereto, is ordered to be recorded And on of ye Sd Exrs and they performing what is usual in such cases certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form they given sufficent security.
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