Here are some Jordans that I found in the Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution by John H. Gwathmey (Richmond, VA: 1938), p. 430, available on

John H. Gwathmey, Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution (Richmond, VA: 1938), p. 430,

John H. Gwathmey, Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution (Richmond, VA: 1938), p. 430,
Edward Jordan
captain in the Lunenburg Company, Virginia Militia.
Freeman Jordan, , S5618, Virginia, Nottaway Co., application dtd 10/4/1832, aged 72, was drafted 1777, Militia, Capt. Gabriel Fowckes, marched Williamsburg where taken sick and returned home. Another tour, same yr., Capt. Thomas Short, marched to James River, disch. Another tour, Capt. Eder Walker, Col. Booker. Was b. 4/14/1760, Nottaway Co., formerly Amelia Co., Va. Now resides Brunswick Co., Va. (refused because less than 12 mos.)
John Jordan, , S38098, Virginia, Albemarle Co., application dtd 12/14/1811, enl. as Cadet 2/1776, Capt. Samuel Jordan Cabell’s Rifle Co.,; was Lt. in Col. Daniel Morgans Va. Regt.; at battles of Trenton and Princeton; was Capt. of Burgoyne and Edge Hill where severely wounded in knee and ill several mos. When recovered, returned to army at S. C., taken prisoner at Charleston; after being exchanged, was Capt. in Col. Posey’s Va. Regt., served til 6/23/1782, disch. Savannah, Ga. Disability pension 12/14/1811, lived Albemarle Co. 1827, 68 yrs. old.
Thomas Jordan, , R5759, Virginia, Page Co., application dtd 10/27/1838, of Anna, aged 87, wid. of Thomas, Pvt. in Val Line, who received disabilities during capture of Hessians at Trenton and received pension as Invalid. She married 10/27/1891 husband who d. 7/24/,1817. Depositions of H. P. A. Davis and William R. Barber who were acquainted with late Mrs. Anna Jordan, wid. of late Thomas, and examined the Family Bible of Gabriel Jordan and wid. who d. 11/5/1838 and Gabriels only living children of Anna and Thomas, on 2/28/1854. Virginia, Page Co., 2/22/1839, Gabriel Jordan, heir of late Anna Jordan who d. 11/5/1838, states that Thomas Jordan married Anna Barbee 10/27/1791 and had surviving children–Mary McDonald and Gabriel Jordan.
If you have any info on other Jordans, please leave a comment!
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