This page is for Smith family members who are not in my direct line, whose information I have discovered during my research, made available for others who might find it of interest.
Services at Sidon for O.B. Smith, The Delta Democrat Times, Sun Nov 9 1941 p6
James Cammack Dunn Weds Miss Lillian Smith, The Delta Democrat Times, Wed Jun 28 1939 p3
Ocie Smith Dies in Greenwood Hospital, The Delta Democrat Times, Tue Oct 3 1944 p6
The Greenwood Commonwealth (Greenwood, MS) Mon Mar 28, 1949, p2, Quiet Service at Schlater Unites Miss Emma Wilson, C. M. Smith
Harry Smith, Former Sheriff, Died Yesterday Obit, The Greenwood Commonwealth (Greenwood, MS) Wed Nov 5, 1958, p1
Josephine Wood Smith, Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) Sat Mar 4, 2006, p14
Coila Cemetery, Coila, Carroll County, MS
Mary Emily Smith Wells (1828-1915)
Merrill Dinty Moore, Jr., 1954, US Yearbooks, TN, Nashville, George Peabody College for Teachers
Caroline Elizabeth Lizzie Wells Pentecost (1851-1929)
Frank Ellis Smith, Frank Smith Next Congressman, The Delta Democrat Times (Greenville, MS) Wed Sep 13 1950
Frank Smith, The Greenwood Commonwealth (Greenwood, MS) Thu Jul 8, 1926, p3, Relatives at Bedside of Deputy Frank Smith
Frank Smith, The Greenwood Commonwealth (Greenwood, MS) Fri Jul 9, 1926, p1, Funeral Set for Tomorrow in Greenwood
Frank Smith, The Greenwood Commonwealth (Greenwood, MS) Fri Jul 16, 1926, p1, Memorial Service is Held in Memory of Frank Smith