From Historic Homes and Institutions and Genealogical and Personal Memoirs of the Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania. John W. Jordan and Edgar Moore Green, editors. The Lewis Publishing Company, 1905. Volumes I and II, page 165-666.
ALLEN E. STRAUP, one of the progressive young business men of Easton, proprietor of a grocery store on the south side, is descended from one of the old families of the Lehigh Valley. His paternal great-grandfather was a native of Northampton county, Pennsylvania, where he spent his entire life and reared his family. His son, Thomas Straup, was also there and continued to make it his home. In early life he learned the blacksmith’s trade. and became a good mechanic, but afterward took up the study of medicine and engaged in its practice. He was a man of worth and ability, and a most patriotic and loyal citizen. On attaining man’s estate he married Matilda Seigfried, also a native of Northampton county, and to them were born fourteen children. thirteen of whom grew to maturity, and six of the number are still living. The family have long been earnest members of the Evangelical church, in which the grandfather of our subject held several offices. His wife is still living and resides in Northampton county.
Thomas P. Straup, our subject’s father, was born in that county, January 10, 1847. He learned the painter’s trade, and has also engaged in blacksmithing, but is now holding a position in the Ingorsoll shops at Easton. On the 1st of October, 1869, he was united in marriage to Miss Elmira E. Seibert, of Meyerstown, Pennsylvania, who died January 14, 1903. She left two sons: Arthur N., born January 11, 1871 and Allen E., born January 10, 1874. Arthur was born in Parryville and Allen at Coaldale, but they were reared and educated in Easton, to which place their parents had removed.
During his youth, Allen E. Straup learned the trade of wood carving. which he followed for a number of years, and later turned his attention to the electrical business for some time. In 1898 he led to the marriage altar Miss Ella M. Stein, the accomplished (daughter of Asher and Rebecca (Miller) Stein. Her father was born in South Easton, in 1857, and is a son of Samuel and Orelia (Paull) Stein, both natives of Mount Bethel. They had six children, all of whom are living. Samuel Stein was an engineer on the Lehigh Valley Railroad for some years, but died young. His father was John Stein, of Lower Saucon township, Northampton county, and his wife’s father was Jacob Paull, whose family numbered nine children, six of whom are living. The Paulls were millers by trade. Asher Stein, the father of Mrs. Straup, was in the employ of the Lehigh Valley Railroad for eighteen years, being conductor for sixteen years. Retiring from the road in 1898, he opened a grocery store in Easton, which he conducted until 1902, when he sold out to his son-in-law, the subject of this sketch.
He married Rebecca Miller, who was born in Williams township, Northampton county, in 1847, and to them was horn one daughter, Mrs. Ella M. Straup. Mr. Stein is an active member of the United Evangelical church and has been honored with numerous church offices. He is also a member of the Knights of Labor and Knights of Friendship, and is a man highly respected and esteemed by all who know him. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum.
In 1902, as previously stated, Mr. Straup purchased of his father-in-law the grocery store owned by him, together with the fixtures and his good will, though Mr. Stein still assists in carrying on the business which is quite extensive. The store is large and the stock is well selected. Mr. Straup is a very energetic and enterprising business man, and his success has been worthily achieved. He and his wife are leading members of the United Evangelical church, in which he is serving as a class leader and chorister in the Sunday school, and they are held in high regard by all who know them. Socially he is connected with the Junior Order of United American Mechanics, and Patriotic Sons of America.
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