Julius is not on my direct line. He is the brother of Sarah Marie Wells who married into our Fay line. Their parents were Franklin Parker Wells and Sarah Marie Page.
Julius married Haidee Elder.

Woman’s Who’s who of America: A Biographical Dictionary of Contemporary Women of the United States and Canada, 1914-1915. John W. Leonard, American commonwealth Company, 1914. Online at Google Books.
- Charles Franklin Wells
- Joseph Gardner Wells
Images and Records for the Children of Julius and Hadee
Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1964 – Joseph Gardner Wells
Julius died on March 19, 1931 in Greenville, PA, and is buried in Shenango Valley Cemetery.

“Mrs. H. B. Burley of Boston, Mass., is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank L. Fay, of the Jamestown-Greenville road. Mrs. Burley was here for the funeral of her brother, Julius E. Wells Sr., Saturday afternoon.” Source: “Personal,” The Record Argus Mon Mar 23, 1931, p6.

‘Mr. and Mrs. Julius E. Wells, Jr., have returned to their home in Uniontown, being called here by the death last week of Mr. Wells’ father, J. E. Wells, Sr.” Source: “Personal,” The Record Argus Wed Mar 25, 1931, p6.
Death certificate
Transcribed text of obituary from above:
Julius E. Wells, Sr.
Julius E. Wells, Sr., aged 59 died suddenly at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon while at work in the Pennsylvania Power Co. plant, where he was in charge of the stores department.Mr. Wells had been apparently in good health, although the death of Mrs. Wells ten weeks ago today had had a decided effect upon him, terminating a happy married life, of which the last 15 years was spent in Greenville. He had been at work regularly, and had brought some material to the second floor of the power plant on an elevator. After opening the door, the stroke seized him, and death was instant. His daughter, Miss Sara Wells, is employed in the company office in Main street. He had talked with his oldest son, Charles, by telephone, only a half-hour earlier.
Mr. Wells was born in Lansing, Mich., although his parents, Frank P. and Sara Page Wells, were natives of Wellsburg, Pa. In his young manhood after completing his education, he went with his father to DeVall’s Bluff, Ark., where they operated a large oar factory. There he married Miss Haidee Elder, who died only Jan. 2. Mr. Wells served two terms as postmaster at DeVall’s Bluff before coming to Greenville in 1915.
He was connected with the Greenville Steel Car Co., in the stores department until he became associated with the Pennsylvania Power Co in 1925. He was a member of the First Presbyterian church, and of the American Yeomen.
Surviving are five children, Charles F., of Clinton street, Greenville; Julius E. Wells, Jr., of Uniontown, Sara Bright Wells, J. Gardner and Joel McClintock, at home. Two sisters, Mrs. Frank L. Fay, of Greenville, Mrs. Harry B. Burley, of Chestnut Hill, Mass., and a brother, Frank P. Wells, of Costa Mesa, Cal.
Funeral services are to be held Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, conducted by the Rev. Dr. S. M. Gordon, with interment in the Shenango Valley cemetery.
Death of Haidee Elder Wells
Haidee Elder died on January 3, 1931, in Greenville, PA, and is buried in Shenango Valley Cemetery.
Transcribed text of obituary from above:
Mrs. Julius E. Wells, Sr.
Mrs. Haidee Elder Wells, wife of Julius E. Wells, Sr., died at her home in 241 East avenue, Friday evening, at 7:30, January 3, 1931, after a brief serious illness which became critical only yesterday.Mrs. Wells had been in only moderately good health for a number of years, and Tuesday returned to her home from the Greenville hospital where she had been under observation for a few days, apparently on the way to recovery. On Wednesday evening she attended a program of the Shakespeare club, of which she was a member, and at the close of the evening was seized with severe pains in the back of her head. Although she was fully recovered the following day, at 5 o’clock Friday morning the pain returned, and at noon she sank into a coma from which she only partially rallied before the end came.
Coming to Greenville only 15 years ago from the South, she had made one of the widest circles of friends possessed by any one. She became active in literary and social clubs, civic and church organizations, in which she held many offices during the past few years. In spite of her frail health she carried the burdens of duty which fell upon her, and capably discharged them. She was a charter member in some of the groups, such as the American Legion Auxiliary, of which she was a past-president.
Among the other organizations I which she was extremely active are the Women’s Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church, Bayview Literary club, Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, Shakespeare Club, Senior Civic League, and also the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Through all her activities she maintained her place as an ideal wife and mother in her home, and earned the high regard of family and friends alike.
Mrs. Wells was born in Trenton Tenn., September 18, 1871, a daughter of Charles A. and Belle Bright Elder. She continued to live in Trenton until her marriage to Julius E. Wells, when they moved to DeVall’s Bluff, Ark., where they remained until the family came to Greenville in 1915.
Surviving, in addition to her husband, are five children, Charles Franklin Wells, of 286 Clinton street, Julius E. Wells, Jr., of Uniontown, Sarah Bright Wells, J. Gardner, and Joel McClintock, at home. One brother, Eaton Elder, of Memphis, and four sisters, Mrs. John Cawthon, Mrs. Bonnie Hays, of Memphis, Mrs. John Bennett, Troy, Tenn., and Mrs. Sid Harrison, of Nashville, also survive.
Funeral services will be held from the family home Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock, the Rev. Dr. Walter L. Mosor, pastor of the First Presbyterian church officiating. Interment will follow in the Shenango Valley cemetery.