My Wilsons are from Easton, Pennsylvania.
Here’s the little I know about my Wilsons:
Alexander Wilson (1770?-before 1867) from Easton married Margaret McElroy (1795?-1882?). He was a stone mason, employing Joseph Farquhar. He helped build Lafayette College.
Both Alexander and Margaret were members of the First Presbyterian Church of Easton. Alexander was admitted in 1817, Margaret in 1816.
Margaret McElroy was from the Pennsylvania Dutch region. She was 25 years younger than her husband. They may have lived in Easton. She was small and pudgy. She died at least at age 86. She and her husband had 12 children: Sarah Wilson, born 1823; Jennie (Riley); Mrs. Jacob Hay; Mrs. William R. Wilson. don’t know the others
Sarah Wilson, also called Sallie, was born on July 24, 1823 in Easton. She married John Fraser Farquhar (1821-1866) in 1841 in Lafayette, Pennsylvania. She was religious, hard-working, and well-educated.
Sarah died on October 17, 1906 in Easton at the age of 84.
- Alexander Wilson (ca. 1800-1855)
- Harriet McKeen Wilson
- James Wilson
- Reverend Josias Wilson
- Sarah Wilson (1823-1906)
- The McLeans
Mary Elizabeth Wilson (Clarke) (1821-1904)

Sylvester Goodridge Clarke
Sylvester Goodridge Clarke (1828-1914)
Findings in the Records of the First Presbyterian Church of Easton, PA.
By Dan Wilson
Married ELIZABETH THOMPSON on 11 April 1825. This was found in the records of Rev. David Bishop who died 19 May 1822. He was followed by Rev. John Gray who was installed in September 1822. Therefore it must have been Rev. Gray who performed the service. Bride and groom were both of Easton, Pa. There was also a JAMES WILSON who married ELIZABETH McKEEN according to Condit (1885). We have no indication that these ELIZABETHs are the same. They had children as follows.
WILSON, MARY CATHCART b.____? bap. 25 Mar 1827
——, ELIZABETH b.____? bap. 25 Apr 1830
——, WILLIAM THOMAS b.____? bap. 20 Nov 1831
——, ANNA b.____? bap. 27 Oct 1833
Was ordained an elder of the church 27 Mar 1831. He died 20 February 1847. He may be the one who married ELIZABETH McKEEN as stated by Condit (1885).
Children of Alexander Wilson and Margaret McElroy
(Records of the First Presbyterian Church of Easton, PA)
WILSON, JOHN…………. b. 24 Nov. 1817; bap. 5 Feb 1818
——, JAMES………… b. 26 Apr. 1820; bap. 2 Jul 1819
——, MARY…………. b. 28 Oct. 1821; bap. 5 May 1822
——, SARAH………… b. ___________?; bap. 5 Sep 1823
——, JANE…………. b. ___________?; bap. 27 Nov 1825
——, THOMAS……….. b. 15 Mar 1827 ; bap. 28 Oct 1827
——, MARGARET……… b. __________ ?; bap. 5 Apr 1829
——, ANN………….. b. __________ ?; bap. 24 Apr 1831
——, WILLIAM C…….. b. 22 June 1834; bap. 31 Jul 1835
——, MARTHA……….. b. __________ ?; bap. 9 Jul 1837
——, HARRIET McKEEN… b. 15 Jul. 1832; bap. 10 Aug 1832
of Phillipsburg, Pa., married MATTIE McKEEN of Easton, Pa on 29 Nov 1866 and had a son WILLIAM A. b.? bap. 19 Dec 1867.
Married SAMUEL McLEAN of Carbon County, Pa. on 23 Jan 1855 and moved to Mauch Chunk 27 Nov 1857. She may have been related to REV. JOHN GRAY who became pastor of the 1st Presby Church of Easton upon the death of Rev. David Bishop 19 May 1822. REV GRAY remained at his post for 44 years, 7 months. She may also have been related to REV. THOMAS McKEEN GRAY who became pastor of the Bridge-Hampton Church. She may also have been the daughter of Alexander Wilson and Margaret McElroy of Easton. They had a daughter Jane, bap. 27 Nov 1825 and admitted to the church in 1849. There was another Jane Wilson admitted to the church in 1855, but since she married Samuel McLean in January 1855, it seems unlikely that the Jane Wilson of 1855 is Jane Gray Wilson.
WILSON / McELROY – church membership admission dates
1st Presbyterian Church of Easton, PA
1816 McElroy, Margaret (wife of Alexander Wilson)
1817 Wilson, Alexander (husband of Margaret McElroy)
1819 Wilson, James (probable brother of Alexander Wilson)
1822 McElroy, Thomas (probable brother of Margaret McElroy)
1826 Wilson, John (probable brother of Alexander Wilson)
1827 Wilson, Eliza A. (probable wife of James Wilson of 1819)
1836 Wilson, Elizabeth (probable daughter of James Wilson of 1819)
1840 Wilson, James (probable son of Alexander Wilson)
1841 Wilson, Sarah (probable daughter of Alexander Wilson)
1846 Wilson, Mary (probable daughter of Alexander Wilson)
1847 Wilson, Alexander
1847 Wilson, Mary Cathcart (daughter of James Wilson of 1819)
1849 Wilson, Anna – (probable daughter of James Wilson of 1819)
1849 Wilson, Jane – (probable daughter of Alexander Wilson)
1854 Wilson, Ann – (probable daughter of Alexander Wilson)
1855 Wilson, Jane –
1855 Wilson, Mary Ann –
1860 Wilson, James Barnard –
1860 Wilson, Mattie –
1867 Wilson, Jane –
1878 Wilson, J. Frank –
1897 Wilson, Ellen M. –
1897 Wilson, Harry –
1900 Wilson, John H. –
1904 Wilson, Mrs. Mary –
…………… MC KEEN FAMILY ………………
The McKEENs were an influential family in the Church, and the name can be found in the Washington Township area. The name is connected with Clan Donald of Glencoe, i.e. MacIan.
Condit (1885) says COL. THOMAS McKEEN offered $4200 to the Church for erection of a parsonage. He had a daughter ELIZABETH McKEEN who married JAMES WILSON. THOMAS McKEEN was ordained an elder of the church 8 Jun 1823 and died 25 Nov 1847. There was another THOMAS McKEEN of South Easton who died 1868.
Church records identify her as “wife of THOMAS McKEEN.” Also, we note that ALEXANDER and MARGARET WILSON had a daughter named HARRIET McKEEN WILSON.
Church records identify this person as “Mrs. McKeen”, but do not identify her husband.
McKEEN, ELIZABETH, d. 18 Apr. 1830.
There is no indication of her connection with THOMAS McKEEN, but she may have been the daughter who married JAMES WILSON.
McKEEN, JAMES and ELIZABETH had children:
McKEEN, THOMAS b.? bap. 22 Mar 1833
______, ELIZABETH b.? bap. 18 May 1836
A JAMES McKEEN was mentioned as a deacon of the Brainerd Presbyterian Church by Condit(1885). This church was a spin-off of the 1st Presby Church of Easton and was founded 5 Mar 1853. Elders included JOHN STEWART who had been an elder of the 1st Presby Church of Easton.
McKEEN, HELEN b.? bap. 15 April 1841 to JAMES and MARY McKEEN.
Married MARY JANE NOE of Elizabethtown, N.J. on 15 May 1856 and became pastor of the Bridge-Hampton Church.
Condit, Rev. Uzal W. (1885). THE HISTORY OF EASTON, PENNSYLVANIA Philadelphia: George W. West. (at Mesa FHL – microfiche)
For more records of the First Presbyterian Church of Easton, Pennsylvania, see the UsGen Web’s Northampton County Pennsylvania Archives at .
The following data was submitted by JUNE Gerbode
From the 1850 census (‘Bushkill Ward’, Northampton Co.,PA)
Wilson, Alexander 84, IRE
Margaret 51, PA
Mary 29, PA
Thomas 23, PA
Jane, 25, PA
Ann, 20, PA
Harriet 18, PA
Martha 13, PA
William, 15, PA
The two obitutaries are from the Illinois State Register, Springfield, IL.
Clark – At the family residence, 914 South Second street, at 10:30 o’clock, Sunday, Dec.25,1904, Mary Elizabeth Clark, aged 83 years, 2 months and 35 days.
Mrs. Clark came to this city with her husband S. G. Clark, in 1861, and has been a resident of this city since that time. Besides her husband, who is very ill at home, she is survived by four sons, William and Alexander of this city, Sylvester of Battle Creek, Mich. and Fredrick of South Bend, Ind., and three daughters, Mrs. G. A. Kimber, and Miss Minnie Clark of this city, and Mrs. Redick Ridgely of Fulton, KY.
The remains were removed to the residence of her daughter, Mrs. G. A.Kimber, 916 South Second street, from which place the funeral will take place at 3 o’clock this afternoon, and the interment will be made in Oak Ridge cemetery. Friends desiring to view the remains may do so between the hours of 12 and 2 o’clock.
* * * *
(June 29,1914)
Clarke – The funeral services for Sylvester Goodrich Clarke, who died at 4 o’clock Saturday afternoon at the family residence, 914 North Fourth street, will be held at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. G.S.Kimber, 914 South Second street. Burial will be in Oak Ridge cemetery.
The funeral services will be private.
Friends wishing to call may do so between the hours of 10 and 12 o’clock this morning,
Sylvester Goodrich Clarke
b. 19 Jan 1828 Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies
FA: Silvester (IRE)
MO: Kath:Ann (West Indies)
d. 27 June 1914 Springfield, Sangamon Co. IL
U.S.A. 1850
(m) 26 Nov 1851 Easton, Northampton Co. PA
Mary Elizabeth Wilson
b. 28 Oct 1821 Easton, Northampton Co.PA
d.26 Dec 1904 Springfield, Sangamon Co. IL
FA: Alexander Wilson
MO: Margaret McElroy
Annie Harrison Clarke (1852-1942) (m-1875) Gus A Kimber
William Martin Clarke(1854-1932)(m1886)Addie Hay
Alexander Wilson Clarke (1856-1911)(m-1889)Effie A.Likes
Sylvester Murray Clarke(1858-1923)(m-1884) twice
Frederick McLean Clarke (1860- ? )
Mary Elizabeth Clarke (1862-infancy)
Mary ‘Minnie’ Elizabeth Clarke (1863-1929) single
Sallie Amelia Clarke (1867-1951)(m-1889)R.Ridgely
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