These are from my postcard collection. You may use these any way you like. I have higher res versions if you need it for printing or publishing.
School Slate Factory, Slatington, PA. School Slate Factory, Slatington, PA. Postmarked 1907. Jones Brothers, Publishers.
Lower Main Street & Arlington Hotel, Slatington, PA, Postmarked 1911.
On Line of LVRR Old Farm House near Slatington, PA
Bittner House, Slatington, PA, 1907
On the Lehigh Canal, Slatington, PA, Postmarked 1910
Main Street, Slatington, PA
High School, Slatington, PA
Trinity United Evangelical Church and Parsonage, Slatington, PA
Slate Quarries, Slatington, PA, Postmarked 1906
High School, Slatington, PA, 1905
My Slatington ancestors were the Labars, Jesse and his daughter Laura, who married into the Straub family.