“…slice them when ripe,and cut them into dice, and so fill a pot with them of two or three gallons, and stew them upon a gentle fire a whole day, and as they sink, they will fill again with fresh Pompions, not putting any liquor to them. When it is stew’d enough, it will look …
Tag : Daily Life
3 posts
Apples were a staple food of early America. John Adams, like many members of the First Continental congress, started the day with a glass of hard cider. Europeans brought apple seeds and later saplings to the colonies which quickly became established in the native soil. Although of a different flavor, color, and fragrance than their …
The definition of “proverb” is “a short, pithy saying stating a general truth or piece of advice.” Proverbs are meant to convey common wisdom or prudent counsel about how the world usually works. A proverb is most often a phrase or saying that gives advice in an obscure way. The phrase usually has an allegorical …